OKAY... so I am actually not doing too well with keeping up with my blog every day!! Last week was a full week, so I thought I would recap!!!
I knew the week I was doing the Upward Pictures was going to be a busy week!! David was able to take some vacation days to be home to help me out!! So, on Wednesday, he took Kendall and Adrien skiing!! They had a blast!!! Then on Thursday David went with Samone's class on a skiing field trip!! Samone loved having her dad with her on the field trip. He said she was stuck to him like glue the whole day!!! He had a great week with the kids!!! Then, on Saturday, he took Samone to her soccer game in Phx, came home and took Kendall to the Daddy Daughter Winter Wonderland Ball!! I was the photographer, so I got to be there the whole time!! I love it!!!! Kendall would not let her daddy out of her sight!!!! They danced the night away!! Kendall loved it and had so much fun!!! David had so much fun with her, too!!!
So, then he was off to work again!! But we loved having him home with us for 5 days straight!! We love our daddy and I love my hubby!! He is an amazing dad and an amazing husband and we are so lucky to have him!!!
January 30, 2011
January 21, 2011
Spelling Bee!!!
Samone got her practice word correct!! Then they started the first round!! Holy Moly...kids were dropping like flies!! Samone was up. Her word was CAVITY.. and she got it right!! I would say about 3/4 of the kids were out after the first round. Then the second and third rounds, Samone was still in!!! We were so excited for her!! There were only about 5 kids left!! Then, after the fourth round it was only Samone and one other girl, Kylie!!! So, to be the winner, they had to get two words right in a row!! So, they went back and forth for about 10-15 minutes. The words were so hard that neither of them could get two words right in a row!! They finally started giving them easier words and, unfortunately, Kyleigh was able to get two right first!! But Samone was still the second place winner!! I know she wanted 1st place!! But she was pretty happy with second!! And David and I could not have been more proud of her!!!!
When we got home, we got a letter in the mail that Kendall;s art work was chosen to be on display at the Youth Art Festival at the Coconino Center of the Arts!! This is the second time her artwork was chosen!! Wow!!! Talk about proud parents!! We went down to Phx that day for a soccer tournament!! To celebrate all of our good news, we decide to go out for dinner at Pappadeux's !! YUM YUM!!
So proud of my family!!!!!
January 18, 2011
My First 1/2 Marathon
So now with this 1/2 marathon under my belt, I am ready to start beating my own time!! I think I am going to sign up for the Sedona 10K!!! I am so excited!! I am loving it!! Here's to many more races!! Bring it On!!!
January 13, 2011
Only two weeks in to the year and I am already behind!! Well, last night we all went to the Sinagua Middle School Open House, to check out the school Samone would be attending next year!! Samone got really excited after being there, and so did we. It is a great facility and they have so many programs and clubs to offer!! I think Samone is going to love it!! I am excited for her, but also a little sad!! How can it be that my little girl is going to be heading off to MIDDLE SCHOOL next year??!! Sometimes it is so much fun to have my kids growing up. We can do more things and just day to day stuff is easier. But sometimes when I am at home and I see Max and Ruby come on, or I hear Dora the Explorer, or I go up in the playroom and see all the barbies, I get kinda sad!! The years seem to have just slipped right by!! I can't help but wonder sometimes, "Did I enjoy every minute?" "Did I spend as much time with each of you as I could have/should have?" Oh, the could haves and should haves!! I have enjoyed watching all of you grow up. But now that you are all getting so big, I just can't help but wonder where on earth the time went!!
I love you all so much. We are getting ready to go the Phoenix on Saturday and I am running in the 1/2 marathon on Sunday!! I am so excited about it!! I am nervous someone is going to get sick or something!! PLEASE STAY HEALTHY!!!
I love you all so much. We are getting ready to go the Phoenix on Saturday and I am running in the 1/2 marathon on Sunday!! I am so excited about it!! I am nervous someone is going to get sick or something!! PLEASE STAY HEALTHY!!!
January 10, 2011
A weekend with Samone and Mom
January 9, 2011
WOW!!! I CANNOT believe it is 2011... I have decided that there is nothing I can do to "slow life down"!! Days, weeks, months, years....they all just seem to fly by. But I have decided that what I can do is try to ENJOY every minute of the days, weeks, months years more - by managing my time better. So I am going to work hard this year on managing my time better!! Well, we'll see!! That is my goal.
And, along with that is this blog... I really want to keep up with it this year so that next year I have a book to print. What I REALLY want to do is write at least a little something each day... even if it is just a sentence or two.... It is just that I feel like my kids are growing up so fast and that they are doing so much all the time... I want to capture it, have it to remember forever!!
So, we had a wonderful, long, lazy relaxing Christmas. Not much going on and just a lot of time hanging out at home enjoying each other. We rang in the new year in -6 degree weather with Tanya and Mando and Zayne, then came home to ring in the true new year!! Brrr! Then the kids headed back to school for the last half of the year!! None of us were ready to get back into the swing of things!! We so enjoyed our break and our family time!!! But back to Life, Back to Reality! It was okay though!! I just can not believe we are in the last half of Samone's 5th grade year, Kendall's 2nd grade year AND, OMG, Adrien's kindergarten year!! I will never have a kindergartener AGAIN!!! Man, where does the time go!! I remember being pregnant with Samone like it was yesterday!! AAHH!
But right now, of if I could stop time, I think it would be right now!! My kids ages are so much fun!! I just love their ages!! And I LOVE my LIFE!! Life is great!
Samone and I just got home from a mom-daughter weekend in Phoenix for two State League games. It was so wonderful. Just the two of us. We left at 7am from Flag on Saturday morning and got to her game. She was amazing, as always!! Scored two and assisted one for a 3-2 win!! Then we hung out with Stephanie and Morgan Hodges, lunch and swimming at the hotel. Then dropped them off at Tylers game and headed to MetroCenter to go walk around...it was a little scary, so we didn't stay too long. Got a Gelatto and headed back to the hotel. Samone made dinner and we ate, watched tv then laid in bed and watch tv until lights out!! Next morning we headed to the second game. It was a tough game and tough team... one we have never beaten before. We lost 5-2 but Samone was amazing and she scored one goal and assisted the other goal. Then we hung out with the Hazlett's for a bit. After they left we had a little picnic and watch another game. We stopped for Starbucks on the way home and had a great drive quizzing for her spelling bee!! We were actually sad for our "weekend" to end!!
So, tomorrow, Monday... another week to go!! I know it will end as quickly as it began, but I want to document as much of it as I can!! So, today it begins! Today I try to document every day of 2011!!!
And, along with that is this blog... I really want to keep up with it this year so that next year I have a book to print. What I REALLY want to do is write at least a little something each day... even if it is just a sentence or two.... It is just that I feel like my kids are growing up so fast and that they are doing so much all the time... I want to capture it, have it to remember forever!!
So, we had a wonderful, long, lazy relaxing Christmas. Not much going on and just a lot of time hanging out at home enjoying each other. We rang in the new year in -6 degree weather with Tanya and Mando and Zayne, then came home to ring in the true new year!! Brrr! Then the kids headed back to school for the last half of the year!! None of us were ready to get back into the swing of things!! We so enjoyed our break and our family time!!! But back to Life, Back to Reality! It was okay though!! I just can not believe we are in the last half of Samone's 5th grade year, Kendall's 2nd grade year AND, OMG, Adrien's kindergarten year!! I will never have a kindergartener AGAIN!!! Man, where does the time go!! I remember being pregnant with Samone like it was yesterday!! AAHH!
But right now, of if I could stop time, I think it would be right now!! My kids ages are so much fun!! I just love their ages!! And I LOVE my LIFE!! Life is great!
Samone and I just got home from a mom-daughter weekend in Phoenix for two State League games. It was so wonderful. Just the two of us. We left at 7am from Flag on Saturday morning and got to her game. She was amazing, as always!! Scored two and assisted one for a 3-2 win!! Then we hung out with Stephanie and Morgan Hodges, lunch and swimming at the hotel. Then dropped them off at Tylers game and headed to MetroCenter to go walk around...it was a little scary, so we didn't stay too long. Got a Gelatto and headed back to the hotel. Samone made dinner and we ate, watched tv then laid in bed and watch tv until lights out!! Next morning we headed to the second game. It was a tough game and tough team... one we have never beaten before. We lost 5-2 but Samone was amazing and she scored one goal and assisted the other goal. Then we hung out with the Hazlett's for a bit. After they left we had a little picnic and watch another game. We stopped for Starbucks on the way home and had a great drive quizzing for her spelling bee!! We were actually sad for our "weekend" to end!!
So, tomorrow, Monday... another week to go!! I know it will end as quickly as it began, but I want to document as much of it as I can!! So, today it begins! Today I try to document every day of 2011!!!
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