Samone is in 4th Grade and is still VERY active in her Soccer Club!!! She is quite an impressive little athlete and a very good soccer player. We travel down to Phoenix quite often for Open League games and Tournaments!! And, NO, we would not do it if we didn't think she had potential in the sport. Last Session we played in Division 2 and ended up taking first place, so we are now starting in Division 1 !! This is exciting for our team, since we will now be competing against the best teams in Arizona!! And it is exciting to know that our Flagstaff United Team is among the best teams in Arizona. Samone plays forward and she plays her posistion AMAZINGLY!!! Aside from soccer, Samone continues to be at the top of her class in school. She has been in the gifted program for 4 years now!! She loves to read and is an excellent writer!!! She also loves to draw, and is pretty good at it, too!! Last year one of her drawings was chosen to hang in the office at her school. They only choose one a year, so this was exciting and a really big deal!! We are so proud of Samone!!
Kendall is.....well, Kendall. And anyone who knows her knows what I mean by that. Everyone loves Kendall!! She just has a way with people. Every where we go she makes friends...and sometimes we even get calls at the house from these friends that we have no idea who they are!!!! Kendall wears princess dresses and climbs trees. Kendall is the sweetest lover-girl and the meanest angry-girl you will ever meet. The thing about Kendall that is so fascinating to me is just how comfortable she is in her skin. She is just "Confidence". Everything about her is strong, bold and proud! She is in 1st grade this year and just started her first year in the gifted program. She is a smart little cookie, though in a very different way than her big sister. Where Samone is a Type A personality, overachieving, highly competitive, ambitious, perfectionist; Kendall is a Type B, relaxed, easy-going, non-competative, and generally lacks any sense of urgency!!! But I love that they each have such different strengths. Kendall really hasn't picked her "thing". She has played soccer, and is really good at it, too. But she just doesn't care about it to much. She would rather be on the sidelines socializing!!! Kendall is starting gymnastics this session and will start softball in the spring. She is very excited about both of these activities!!! So we will see how it goes!! She LOVES to sing!! She is always snapping, dancing and singing along to the radio. She also makes up some very impressive songs of her own!!! She has rhythm, she has a strong presence. Maybe she'll be the next Taylor Swift,,,,hey, that wouldn't be too bad!! She is just a joy and delight!!!
Adrien!!!! Oh, Adrien!!!! It will be five years on February 2nd that God blessed us with our little boy!! LIttle did we know then that: 1) Going from 2 kids to 3 kids would turn our world upside down and 2) this LITTLE BOY would turn our world upside down!!! Adrien is ALL boy!! He loves to tackle and wrestle and play baseball and football and soccer and box!!! He is NON-STOP from the moment he wakes up until we put him to bed at night!! He wants to do it all and keeps asking me when he will be old enough!! He played soccer last summer and I stepped up to be his coach...quite an experience!! But he definately proving to be quite the little athlete, also!!! He and his dad like to practice baseball (David played baseball all through college, so he is definately a little biased to this sport) Adrien is a pretty impressive batter. He can really slam some of those balls!! He is starting T-ball this spring and David and I are worried that he is gonna get on that field, see the T standing there and be like "what the heck is this thing? I need a pitcher!!" But we are both so excited to see him out there. He watches sports on TV all the time. He would rather sit and watch a football game than a cartoon. He knows more about football and baseball than I do!! All at 4 years old!! He loves Hot Wheels....He always has one in his pocket or in his backpack!! He is in his second year of preschool. He goes to Alpine Academy Preschool and is doing so well there. At 4 years old, he knows all his letters and sounds and is already reading at about a mid-kindergarten grade level!! Samone and Kendall were both early readers also, but neither of them read as well as him at such a young age. He is a smart little fellow!!! He is really good with numbers, especially when he is keeping score of a sports game on tv or a game he and his dad are playing!!! He can always tell you the score and he even knows which number is higher and which is lower - cuz he has to know who is winning. Another passion, OBSESSION I guess we could say, of Adrien's is torturing, teasing and PESTERING his sisters!!! Oh, he just LOVES to drive them crazy...in turn driving me crazy!!! The screaming and yelling and chasing and doors slamming.....I know all you moms out there are nodding your heads.....But as much of a ruff, tuff crazy little boy he is, he can be the sweetest little guy ever!! His loves and hugs and cuddles can just make your day!! We really do cherish our little guy!!!!
We have our up days and we have our down days...but they are all worth it. With all three kids in school twice a week now, David and I have been having regular "date days". We go out for lunch or breakfast, play some tennis, some golf....just hang out without the kids. This alone time has been very nice for us, especially after so many years with out it. And it really is different then getting a sitter to come over to sit with the kids! We can come and go from the house as we please because no one is there!!! Definately one of the perks of his job, being able to have these "alone" weekdays together!!
OKAY!!!!! So, future posts will not be this long. I just wanted to get the ball rolling with a little bit about what our family is all about!!!! I plan on posting blogs and photos (and videos) regularly so I REALLY HOPE you will follow my blog, and just stop in for a visit evey now and then to see what our "Party of Five" is up to!! There is always something going on. If you have a blog, please send it to me!! I would love to follow blogs of my friends and family.
So, I am signing off for tonight to go start folding the 4 loads of laundry that await me!!!! AHH the Joys of Motherhood!!! Thanks for visiting my blog....and I hope to talk to you soon!!!!!!!
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